Sunday, April 11, 2010

Making a hem and spring in the Netherlands

I'm on the first sleeve. So hopefully the dino sweater is finished prior to release of the 3rd pattern in Sock Madness.
Making a hem is an important part of a sweater. The opening shall be wide enough to easily pass the little boys head and small enough to fit well around the neck thereafter.
I do like to have double neckline. I.e. I knit a rib close to double of the wanted length – 2 knit 2 purl. When I have one round to go I change to a needle that is 1 mm thicker. For the Dino sweater I used needle 2.5 for the rib and changed to 3.5.
When I’ve knitted the “changing” round, I find another needle that is thinner – I used needle 2. Then I did pick up from the back on the last round before the rib one loop per stitch. I did have 88 stitches so I picked up 88 loops.
On the cast of round all stitches are knitted. Hold the main needle in front and the “loop” needle in back and knit the next stitch by knitting together one from the main needle and one from the loop needle. Knit the next like this as well, and then cast off by lifting the first stitch over the second stitch. Make it loose. Knit one more stitch by knitting through one stitch from both needles, and lift the previously knitted stitch over the new one. Continue till all stitches have been decreased. You will now have a chain on the back and a fairly flexible neckline.

To a total different item. It is spring and Keukenhof is open (8 weeks in total). I’ve had my yearly visit to Keukenhof today. Enjoy the colors of the Netherlands.


  1. Herlig!
    Jeg kjørte tog gjennom Nederland for tre år siden, det var utrolig vakkert med de mange store gule jordene med påskeliljer.

  2. Takk for flott tips om hvordan lage en mer fleksibel halskant. Den kommer nok til å bli prøvd ut på neste barnegenser herfra.
    Nydelige bilder !! Jeg elsker solsikker og falt helt i staver over jordene med solsikker som bugnet da jeg var i Nederland.

  3. Wow, den ble flott! Masse arbeid med den kan jeg tenke meg. :-D


  4. Eia var vi der og fikk sett alle tulipanene. Her koster de over 100 kr bunten for tida, så det å nyte mengdene må foregå i butikken.

  5. Sukk, Nederland er desidert vakrest om våren. Men også her hjemme dukker det også opp slike keiserkroner smått om senn utenfor trappen vår. De sender allerede ut sin velkjente stank hver gang vi åpner døra :P

    Jeg venter nå svært spent på stoffsmulgeren min, ikke lenge til han kommer nå... :)

  6. Très joli modèle, et c'est tulipes, une merveille.


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